Tuesday, October 25, 2011

BOC, Week 4 movie 9to5

Nine to Five, is a fun loving movie that made history and it was a start of a social movement.
This movie was important to the cast, fans and directors. Collin Higgins was the director of this eighties movie and along with this movie came a great cast. Dolly Parton, Jane Fonda, Lily Tomlin and Daphne Colman were the main stars in this film. This movie was based on working secretaries with a 9 to5, job.

While watching the commentary Jane Fonda said that as she was making the movie she read an article that said a woman had killed her boss. She thought this was a perfect movie to be making, because of the reality that it showed. The movie starts off with Judy (Jane Fonda coming into the company named Consolidation. It’s her first day of work and Violet (Lily Tomlin) is her trainer. Violet and Judy enter Mr. Hart’s office so she can meet her boss.

Mr. Hart’s character consists of a sexist, egotistical jerk and he’s a major flirt with the entire woman in the office. The movie shows animation and special effects, which is one the biggest reasons why this movie was such a great success, besides the cast. The movie is a comedy that was made into a reality. The director Collin Higgins wanted to turn the reality into a fantasy for the woman. Collin knew that he needed the perfect cast to shine through in their role.

The commentary did say that Lily Tomlin said that it was hard for her to play a role that she had to pretend that she was a cartoon character. She had to look at things that were actually there she basically had to use her imagination. This is could have been a “Potential Conflict” pg-75. The director in the movie had to have a “Time horizon” pg-74 so that he reached his deadlines for the movie. I think a great way to sum this movie up is a “General face- to face- setup” pg-80. The director basically collected data and research before the actors were casted for the roles.

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