I have read this article three times and I don’t understand what you are asking me. In this article it talks about people in congress and their opinions about the tax cut that we face in America. I basically understand that if we have tax cuts then it will cost our country a lot of money. I personally do not like Bush and I don’t feel that he has done much for our country. When it comes to discussing taxes I’m clueless the only taxes that borrow me are the ones that are taken out of my check from work.
I will tell you one thing that annoys me is the people that purposely don’t work and are on welfare. This is pure laziness and my dollars are helping out these people absolutely ridiculous. I feel that this is crazy and the government should have more of a lockdown on this matter. This article is basically senators and public officials voicing their opinions. I think that either way if we have tax cuts or not our country is in trouble economically.
I’m glad that I decided to go to school and get an education because the American dollar is not worth what it used to be. Prices are constantly rising and jobs are being lost monthly. Nevada needs to come together as a community more and fight for each other on issues. I feel that they’re always talking but not backing up their words. I think this is why I like to work for the union, because most of us have each other’s backs.
In conclusion, Tax cuts could be good and may not be good we just need to see what happens in the next two to three years. I think Obama is doing a great job considering the term oil Bush left this country in.
After reading the article and after being on social networks I think there’s no privacy anymore. The only privacy is the do not disturb sign you hang on the door at a hotel. I remember growing up that when meeting someone you wanted to know there hobbies, and what kind of music that they listen to. Now technology has made it that just one click and just one purchase they know everything that interests you in a matter of 2 minutes. “WSJ Privacy article.”
Facebook is known for information about you and what you like to do and where you like to shop. Just by clicking the like button on a pair of shoes little did you know that you just gave thousands of company’s your personal information? “Tracking technology is getting smarter and more intrusive”. I can’t believe that by letting a social network like face book know my shopping habits now I’m on the sucker list. I should have known that by answering these questions it was no good.
I have noticed that everywhere you shop now they want your email, address, telephone that’s irritating. Why can’t they just ask for my one thing and not my life? I’m started to feel invaded and I’m getting to the point that I don’t want to give them any information. I know that they’re data tracking me as I ‘m at the register. The biggest company that does this is Justice for kids they want to know so much about you and what brought you into the store.
In conclusion, I’m not going to stop shopping at these stores anytime soon so I need to just face the fact that people are going to be nosey. Technology is how the world works today and will continue to work for a long time. “Tracking isn’t new”.
The Beautiful Stranger
This website is for the fashion savvy and the fashion conscience and is made for those that love to dress in style. It represents for men and woman in the marketing world. It deals with face to face interviews that ask the individual their opinion and ask on what style tips they can give another person. These trend setters are showing “They encourage respondent cooperation and discourage question non response”. Pg. 80 I love that they have different walks of life walking the streets.
Most of the walkers are trend setters; designers/ marketing professionals that really know there stuff. A lot of these looks are based on trends that you find at a boutique or a high-end department store which is a “Respondent cooperation is moderate at best". Pg. - 82 the thing that I found that was interesting is that these trend setters look like everyday people that just have style. I love that a lot of them were already in fashion field
My favorite thing about the Beautiful stranger is that you can shop the look of the Fashionista / Fashionister. They could have gathered data from “Interactive Kiosks” pg. - 95, But they decided to take a different approach to take it to the streets. I think it’s very creative to build a website for trend setters and too be organized by them. It would also be good for them to have stars on the website to give their opinion about the trends that the walkers are wearing. It seems that they only interview in areas such as New York, and Los Angelo’s, they should also interview in Las Vegas. Las Vegas has people that know the latest and greatest trends.
In conclusion, the beautiful stranger is a great outlet for models, Stylists, Designers and Marketing professionals. This website is a great networking website and it needed the face to face interview and not “The self- administered questionnaires". Pg. - 86
The Marketing strategy in Big
In the beginning of the movie McMillan toys talked about they didn’t understand why the market research they did came out wrong. They didn’t understand why a kid that likes toys didn’t like the toy they were trying to produce. In the movie they show Josh going into a FAO Schwartz and he sees Mr. McMillan. Mr. McMillan says to josh what are you doing here? Josh says he comes there to look at the toys. Mr. McMillan says this is good marketing research because you can see the toys. All it took was an electric key board on the floor to bond these two souls.
Josh became vice president of product development in a week all because he was at a toy store at the right time. Susan and Paul are having breakfast and they casually mention josh, and Paul asked where he used to work? Susan said she has checked all major toy companies and nobody have heard of him. They are watching the news and Paul notices business men of Wall Street are getting arrested and don’t know why. Susan pours milk and there is a missing picture of josh on the carton.
At one of the business meetings they talk about how the empires state building robot toy, and the demographics that are involved, and that 9-11 year old like this toy. Action figures have climbed to 27%-45% in the last two years. Mr. McMillan says you can’t stop a thirteen year old boy from growing up, because all he wants is a thirteen old girl and you can’t build one of those like you can a toy. Josh gets his inspiration from other kids and himself and this is how he gets his research. This is the best way to conduct your research.
McMillan toys were showing “limited expertise” pg. - 71 in their conduct of study, it took a 13 year old to tell and show them what a kid wants. Sometimes with companies they lack common knowledge and just pay a little too much to the competition and not the consumer wants.” Responds of their needs” Pg. -73. In conclusion it’s good to clear up key issues before research begins.” Keeps you in the loop”. pg-74